
  • Why Not

    If only being a Gryffindor was the biggest difference between them. Because being proud to wear her stupid red and gold ties and scarves was one thing, but she was also a Mudblood. And she liked him. Not only that, but he liked her. Evan Rosier falls for Mary Macdonald, the gloomiest Gryffindor.

  • Before

    "Andromeda!" he greeted, grinning at her. It had been years, and he searched her face, taking in her curls, her smile. She looked healthy and happy, and that was more than could be said for most of the Black family. Written for the QLFC: Sirius and Andromeda meet for the last time.

  • Pandemics

    Remus and a pregnant Tonks are enjoying some fresh air when a very passionate Muggle woman approaches them telling them about the most pressing threat that faces humanity: the bird flu.

  • Number 12

    "So this is where it all happened." Harry nodded to Teddy, who glanced back at him nervously before pushing the door further open. When the house had popped out of the adjoining apartments, he'd been a bit unnerved, sure, but that didn't compare to the inside of Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

  • Peephole

    Regulus visits his brother for the last time. Slight Wolfstar.

  • Okay

    Sirius wonders about Remus sometimes. Not in a condescending, oh-he's-gone-mad way, but in a real, curious way. He doesn't really understand him, certainly not the way he often thinks he does. Remus/Sirius

  • Stories

    When the stories told of love between one of the Eldar and a human, Haleth didn't think this was what they meant. MtFTrans!Haleth/Caranthir

  • A Bright Smile

    Nerdanel's late for a riding day with Findis and Irime, but it's okay; she's brought her not-so-little bundle of joy with her, Maitimo.

  • All I Want

    The war has ended, but that doesn't mean everyone is happy and has a home to return to. Stan can't remember anything, and now he is afraid.

  • Remarkable

    Maglor is the musician and Maedhros is the artist with words. Events lead them to visit a simple homestead, and what they find there is harder to face than expected.

  • Innocence

    It wasn't every day one got to wander the backroads of Japan, penniless or no.

  • Justice

    In Terezi's quest to get Black Jack's approval, and her anger at being denied it, she decides it's only fair to take away Black Jack's favorite part of himself. Black Jack/Terezi

  • Forgiveness

    "If you do this, no one will ever hire you."

  • Sexy

    "What the hell even happened to you?" she barked, her worry making her loud and mad. "Who did this?" "Sicilians," he replied. "In Sicily. Black Jack/Terezi

  • Family

    In his own way, Kreacher was part of the Potter family.

  • Nostalgia

    Things have changed. Things have changed in ways Sirius could never have imagined before. If you'd have told him when he was twenty that he'd go to prison for betraying James and Lily Potter, he'd have never have believed you. Remus/Sirius

  • Brothers

    Should we really be doing this?" "I wonder how many Death Eaters asked the same question," replied Fabian quietly. "I wonder how many of them joined anyway." "You don't have to wonder," said Gideon. "Just count up the dead bodies."

  • Luminescent

    They were standing in the wreckage of Luna's home, the two of them. It was the first time Neville had had time to think since the battle, and it was in the middle of the charred remains of his best friend's house.

  • Adventures

    Harry Potter is dead, and she is not. Ginny wishes they had both died in the Chamber of Secrets, that Harry had stabbed the diary and died of poison, that Fawkes had not swooped down and given them both another two cruel years. That way, they'd be dead together. That way, Harry would be dead and so would Voldemort. And so would she. AU

  • Neverland

    When Andromeda was young, she would spend sleepless nights wishing someone would come tapping on her window to spirit her away, away to a land where having pure blood didn't matter and Muggles and wizards lived in peace.