After being sent to Mars on a mission, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Beast Boy encounter a threat none could have ever imagined. Left alone, it could end the lives of any and every being it comes across, confronted, it can only become more dangerous. Now the three must not only find a way to defeat this new threat, but also save one of their own or risk losing them forever.
One year after defeating Darkseid, The League has expanded to include a third team. Where the black ops team operate on the sly, this new team will be publicly known. But now a new threat is on the horizon, one with a strong foot hold in Earth and looking for the perfect chance to strike with neither Earth's heroes or villain's knowing anything about it. My version of a season 4.
A strange thing happens one Christmas Eve night. As told by Garfield Logan.
The story of one brooding teen's search for peace and quiet among his friends. Not a song fic but it does contain lyrics with a song list at the end.