Better a Freak Than A Fake

  • Everyone Deserves A Second Chance?

    Slight AU: As some of you who have read some of my stories know Clove and her OC brother Kawino's parents are terrible people but what would happen if one day that just changed? Rated T for violence and abuse. Co-Authored with Batmarcus. Other Kawino stories not required but recommended to understand better.

  • Peace is Hard Won

    On the surfaces, Amity and Dauntless are the most different of the five factions. This leaves Amity-Born Mia an impossible decision when she comes back with a Dauntless test result, and the resulting decision makes her question everything she's ever known

  • The Truest Love

    Birthday present for my best friend and practically brother, Marcus. It difficult times everyone needs something to hold on to to give them the stregnth they need to get through it even if they don't realize they're standing as your rock. One-Shot

  • Free Me From Freedom

    Co-Authored with Batmarcus. 2nd Dimension: Even when it's clearly for the better, change can be hard to handle. Once getting home after the movie's events, how does the 2D crew handle their new found freedom?

  • Panem Vacuus Panem

    Co-Authored with Batmarcus: What if? AU Anyone who has read any of Marcus and I's HG stories knows that we very openly hate Peeta but how much would it really change if Finnick hadn't revived him in Catching Fire. Will follow through Mockingjay as well. Rated T for the Hunger Games.

  • Let Anarchy Reign

    Partial AU: After a lifetime of suffering 15-year-old District 2 citizen Kawino Yetter decides that enough is enough and decides to take down Panem's government... with anarchy. Rated T for abuse and war. Co-Authored with Batmarcus. Though Kawino is in other stories those are not required.

  • Revenge Best Served Cold

    "There are no winners, only survivors"-Haymitch Abernathy. Though true for everyone the victor of the 73rd Hunger Games has to learn the hard way only one year into mentoring when faced with an impossible decision. Co-Authored with Batmarcus. Beta-Read by blisterkissed. Rated T for Hunger Games and mention of abuse.

  • Power to Nothing

    AU: On the same year as Tris' initiation, one factionless-born sixteen-year-old is given the chance to choose their own faction to join in hopes of a better life. Evelyn however, has a different idea for this and sends the perfect teen to carry it out. Beta-read by blisterkissed. Rating may be subject to change as I see how this will go.

  • A Coin, A Dozen

    QUARTER QUELL! Summery is confidential but don't try to take it seriously. It's a Quarter Quell. Tribute polls, man-eating squirrels, tick tock the arena's a clock. Co-Authored with Batmarcus. Rated T for Hunger Games. VERY clearly AU though.