
  • These Red Feelings

    He'd always seen her as somewhat out of his league, and she'd always wondered why he didn't fawn over her like everyone other than Kid did. It was going to get brought up at some point.

  • Drops of Starlight

    A series of (at times out of sequence) ficlets based in a world where Yuusei was always female. While many things stay the same, the small changes can sometimes be the ones that matter the most. Features Treasonshipping, at first one-sided. (More may be written if inspiration hits)

  • Hanakotoba

    It started with hospital visits, and somehow, she never stopped going to meet him.

  • An Alternate Influence

    When something goes wrong in pulling Yuusei back inside while they're in the wormhole, he finds himself gone back in time all the way to the Team Satisfaction days. But even more than that, he's not in his own body - he's timesharing with Kiryu, whether either of them like it or not.

  • And With This, We're Even

    Somehow, Kiryu would later note, most of their kisses seemed to have happened by accident up to a point. But that was them all over - unplanned, and unexpected.

  • Interruptions in the Middle of the Night

    There are strange noises in Old Momentum when Carly just wants to have a bit of peace and quiet.

  • Congratulations, You're Alive Again

    It's Kiryu's birthday, although at first he couldn't have cared less for just one more day that he was alive so soon after all that he'd done mere weeks before. A phone call changes that.

  • The Sound of the Waiting Sea

    Roxas and Axel finally get their trip to the beach, but it comes a price. Someone's missing, and there isn't much time left until Roxas has to leave and play his part, too. Part one of the After Mission Side Club AU. Although this is the first bit written, the story starts far earlier, similar to Days itself.

  • Dream Eater

    "You'd better be careful." Those were the words the spirit of the Millennium Ring would hear - either from the half-asleep voice, or simply as a shiver up his spine as he worked. He was possessing a dream eater in human form, after all. "Or one day I'll mistake you for a bad dream." AU. Inspired by the Baku of Japanese mythology.

  • Footprints of Sand in the Hallways

    When he was younger, Riku would sneak out, sometimes in the middle of the night and sometimes in the middle of the day, and his parents wouldn't notice aside from the muddy sand he'd occasionally trace through the halls.

  • First Light of Dawn

    Since he'd had nowhere else to go, they'd taken him home with them. The fact that they couldn't easily explain Riku's new twin did complicate matters, but the way that the replica was getting better day by day made up for it.

  • Upload New Entry

    Once things were stabilised, life in the datascape wasn't bad. Post-Re:coded, potentially AU/divergent to canon in minor ways. No pairings.

  • Formalities

    Formal occasions were an unknown factor when you were - emphasis on the past tense - a leader in the criminal underworld for some time, a fact that tended to mean you didn't know all that many people in the circles you now had to move in. May is willing to help with that.

  • You Will Always Be Welcomed

    Brendan takes Maxie up on his offer to visit whenever he liked, but perhaps in not the way Maxie had envisioned. No pairings. They're really just one big dysfunctional family, by the end of things. Post-game ORAS.

  • To Talk Is A Free Action

    His support group must have a draw for ninety-year old super soldiers. He could have done with the first visit being less conducive to a heart attack, though.

  • Leave Them Alone, And They'll Come Home

    Steve has become used to dealing with people breaking into his home on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes they're just petty thieves who don't know who lives there. Sometimes, they're the ex-Winter Soldier.

  • Awaken from the Nightmare

    Time passes strangely in Gehenna. Has it been a week, or months? All that truly matters any more to Rin is escape, and safety. And then he finds himself back home, in the monastery...

  • Three's a Crowd

    It was supposed to be a normal mission. Routine. But with Rin along, he should have known it wasn't going to be, no matter what he wanted. And then there was that odd boy with the glasses…

  • A New Strength

    Everyone had their secrets, their things they wished no one else knew, or that weren't true of themselves. Ruka has more than she'd bargained for. Post Season 7 for Buffy. Between Seasons 2 and 3 for 5Ds.