
  • Dancing In the Moonlight

    Benny remembers the passionate love of an old flame, and wonder if she herself remembers, and it turns out she does, very much so. Good news for him, the feelings are mutual. A Benny/Wonder Woman reunion fic, inspired by The Hero with the Cracked Helmet.

  • Jumping into the Unkown

    Clara has to find someway to keep the Doctor safe whilst he regenerates, and it seems the TARDIS and her have the same idea. Namely Victorian London.

  • Framed Warmth

    "Lightly she touched the photograph, before placing it back in its rightful place against the night-stand. They were her boys, and together, they were going to be perfectly fine." Mrs Hudson watches and aids her boys as they get ready for their first meet with the detective's parents. Johnlock

  • Misunderstandings

    Five years after the first zombie attack the boys have to deal with another onslaught on their hands. However they also have to deal with Phineas constant denial of his feelings, even if he does proudly display the Emotional Bravery Badge on his arm.

  • Silurians, Maids, Swords and Tea

    Snippets of the life between our favourite time traveling inter species lesbians. Vary in length, rating and content. Suggestions taken. Fourth Chapter: All Jenny wants to do is get through campus to meet with her friends, instead she gets the shock of her life!

  • House Call

    When the Doctor and Clara are called to a house call in Victorian London, they seek help from a old friend little does Craig know what he's getting himself into. Helping deliver a semi-human lizard-hybrid from the dawn of time and Victorian London, was not on his to do list.

  • Past Converstations

    After the events of Trenzalor the Doctor and Vastra talk about the past, future and present, and come to some realisations about themselves and their companions. Victorian Lesbian, and Whouffle

  • Forgiveness

    Benny has something to say to Bad Cop, but Bad Cop just isn't listening. Apparently you cannot demand a apology from someone, it's just not how it works... Benny/Wonder Woman, Business/Badcop AU

  • Loose Ends

    Emmet is struggling with the reality of what he saw when he fell through the abyss, and finds one way to cope. But takes his friends to realise that he's no longer just a cloned set piece. But one of a kind. Pairings: Emcy, (Emmet/Lucy) Rated T for suicidal thoughts

  • The Full Monty

    What were they doing that was so terrible?” she asked. He scrubbed at his eyes, trying to gouge them out. “I’m scarred,” Harry wakes up from a horrific dream, but it seems that on one can understand him. Only two swearwords, rated T for imagery