
  • Nights were merely made for saying things we can't say tomorrow day

    In which one person building walls and the other wanting to knock them down makes distance grow endlessly. "'Are you still sad, Dan' Phil would ask in between kisses, without once touching on being condescending. Breathing into his ear, 'still sad now' and 'how about now' and he'd keep on asking until it became ridiculous and they'd fall apart laughing in each other's mouths."

  • I guess you do the dirty now and I do the dancing

    Dan is a budding pianist growing up in a town where nothing really happens. Convinced you either get out or get stuck there forever he spends his days perfecting the skill that could take him to the bigger cities – the bigger existence – that he's dreaming of. Then something does happen; Phil happens. [My entry in the Phandom Big Bang 2014]

  • Let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater

    In which it's 2009 and Dan takes comfort in wearing Phil's clothes.