
  • Welcome to the Show

    The cast of Frozen have been captured, I mean they have been invited to a show and are willing to do your challenges. Send them in a form of a PM please. I will update these as often as I can and perhaps make some cameos on the story. Enjoy

  • Gwen is in trouble

    Gwen has been using magic out in public which gets Sanctuary curious and involved to bring her in.

  • Frozen Randomized

    Elsa has opened up the gates...And what a big mistake that was! Now various people have arrived. The Avengers have crashed into her ball room. the TARDIS in her kitchen, Deadpool playing Gangman Style at her ball. This is going to be a complete mess! Feel free to PM which Fandoms you'd enjoy finding going around Arendelle.(Rated T due to some shows and comics)

  • Sly Cooper and the Gang in The Rise of the Creepypastas

    Sly Cooper and his pals face a new threat. Creepypastas have invaded his world and are starting to corrupt people. But a mysterious person has agreed to help him and the gang survive this threat. They must sent Slender and his fellow Creepypastas back to their world and keep this world safe. Rated T violence and seriously scary images(Executions, Running through with claws, etc)

  • Looney Tunes Elder Scrolls Xover

    The Hero of Kvatch (Elder Scrolls IV) has gotten bored. While on assignment to kill someone the person to die tells him about another world and how to get there along with giving him the means. The Looney Tunes have never met someone like him in their lifetime

  • The Frozen Vampires

    Arendelle has known nothing but peace for years. People have come to enjoy the protection of the Snow Queen. But now they are in danger. Monsters are stalking the streets and Elsa doesn't wish to endanger the others. The Council is at odds about what to do. That is until Kai mentions a particular man that could help them.

  • SonicSuperVolcano

    A boy meets Sonic and his friends. But on the same day Yellowstone Erupts and the world crumbles. Now they will survive together and build relationships and bonds stronger then before to face an evil which will strike this bold new world.

  • A conduit in the Hunger Games

    In the future the games known as the Hunger Games has gone on for years. A savior is needed to save them. In the past the savior Cole McGrath has died and people are mourning. Kessler resurrects Cole along with Nix and Kuo. He tells them to go to the future and gives them shards to help evolve a conduit. Now they must find a conduit with the will to oppose the Capitol and the gene

  • Big Hero 6 stay at Five Night's At Freddy's

    Freddy Fazbear's Pizza has been opened in San Frantokyo for a while but closed under mysterious circumstances. Now someone has taken the job and is about to go on a ride. (Note the movie characters will appear as well places but aren't in the main story(I didn't want to have to kill one :( ))

  • All Magic Comes With A Price

    WARNING! This story was inspired by Stephen King, R.L. Stein, Edgar Allen Poe, Nightmare on Elm Street, Creepypastas, and a whole lot more horror stories. Enjoy

  • Ben 10: Next Generation!

    Gwen is at home when her mother tells her Sunny and another cousin are coming. When they arrive things go from alright to worst as her cousin discovers his powers. Gwen also loses her humanity causing her to leave to Anodine where she truly changes. When they return to Earth after a few years things have changed. (Warning things may be a little OOC be patient it all has a place)

  • Frozen unthawed hearts

    What happens when you unfreeze a heart? A person when frozen will not just return to normal thawed. Was Anna alright about what happened after being unthawed. Come here and take a look!