
  • Possession Of Passion

    Lydia Small is rightfully pissed when Alexis and Carter decide to move in together, so what does she do? Meets her own ghost lover. (CONTAINS SPOILERS FROM ADAIG, BGDD, and DTE)

  • Dallas and Wren

    It's Wren 1st summer here since she was 6, and she is looking for companionship, the shy guy from the Nike cabin might be the one. It's Dallas's 6th summer here, and he's looking for a friend, a cute girl from the Hecate cabin might fit the role. An adorable love story, that takes place in Camp Half Blood. I UPDATE EVERY FRIDAY (This was started before BOO,but CONTAINS SPOILERS!)

  • Are They? (Phan Punk HSAU)

    A Phan punk hsau. That's all you need to know ;)