
  • Spring Thaw

    Suffering from the effects of brainwashing and torture, the man who used to be Bucky Barnes can't remember anything past his orders. He's damaged from his previous mission and with no word from his handler, he's only left with the words "leave no witnesses" along with flashes of a man he doesn't know. Will he find his way back to HYDRA or will he step into the unknown?

  • Goodbye

    Killian has some thoughts after he tells Emma goodbye at the Sheriff's Station.

  • To Crown a Queen

    When Allison is stabbed by the Oni Scott makes a fateful decision to save her life by biting her. Now she must navigate the world as a werewolf and decide if she can forgive Scott for his actions. But there's no time. Strange dreams and an old enemy threaten Beacon Hills. Allison has to learn to control herself so she turns to the one person she feels can train her, Derek Hale.

  • Broken

    Our heroes have tracked the Wicked Witch back to her castle in Oz. Now all they have to do is storm the place and destroy her. But when they're defeated and Hook vanishes, what remains of a fragmented group must escape and find a way to defeat the witch, making allies and enemies along the way.

  • Thieves' Honour

    Killian Jones is a young naval Lieutenant on a diplomatic mission. When he arrives in the Kingdom of King James he sneaks off the ship for one night of good food and drink. Unfortunately he encounters pickpocket Emma Swan and his night goes south from there, ending in him being knocked out and robbed.

  • Heart's Desire

    While fighting off the Lost Boys, Hook finds himself confronted by Pan. The imp rips out the Captain's heart, demanding that he kill Emma Swan. Will Hook be able to resist the order? (Captain Swan)

  • The Call

    Derek uses his one call to phone Allison. (Dallison)

  • Lessons in Babysitting

    Our heroes are trying to root out Zelena. Robin is asked to join the crew but needs someone to watch Roland. He asks Regina if she's up to the task. Cuteness ensues. (Outlaw Queen)

  • The End

    Things didn't go according to plan. It wasn't supposed to end like this. (Captain Swan)

  • Cave

    Emma and Hook are trapped in a cave after heading out on an expedition for water. They try to escape on their own. Hijinks ensue.

  • Wood

    The Nevengers have set up camp for the night but Hook volunteers to go and collect firewood. He tries to convince Emma to accompany him but she declines. Little does he know what awaits him in the woods. (Captain Swan)

  • The Kiss

    Captain Hook shows up at the Sheriff's Department to surprise Emma. (Captain Swan)

  • Cake

    It's Emma's birthday and Hook wants to do something special for her. (Captain Swan)

  • Type A

    Emma Swan is a vampire with a dark and mysterious past. Little does she know that one encounter in a bar with Killian Jones is going to turn her entire world upside down.

  • The Selkie and the Sailor

    Ireland 1769: Forced by a set of unpleasant circumstances Killian Jones has left the Navy and returned home to work as a fisherman. One day during a storm he encounters a young woman unconscious and unclothed, washed up amongst the rocks. He brings her home only to find that she's actually a Selkie. Will he make her stay on land with him or will she return to her ocean home?

  • April Showers, May Flowers and Hayfever

    Spring rolls around and Bellamy gets hayfever. He decides not to tell anyone and goes on an expedition while feeling horrible. Clarke ends up having to look after him.

  • Three times Clarke hugs Bellamy and one time she doesn't

    Turns out that once you start hugging, Bellamy is a hard habit to break. [Bellarke]

  • Hand to Hand

    The Nevengers are still chasing after Pan only to find a physical obstacle in their path. Regina suggests a quick solution but Hook is understandably wary about traveling into the Dark Jungle. (Captain Swan)