
  • Memoria

    (Memoria: Latin, meaning "the faculty of remembering, remembrance, memory, a historical account.") An incident at Matthew's booth stirs up some unpleasant memories for Gaius. (Based on "The Chosen" and their portrayal of the Apostle Matthew, and Gaius, a centurion. Pre-series. No prior knowledge of the show needed.)

  • In the Line of Fire

    A hectic day for Engine 51 gets worse when a fire in an old industrial neighborhood takes an unexpected turn. Mike POV. One-Shot.

  • Might Have Been

    The dead were returning to humanity. Life was starting over. But now, Colonel John Grigio couldn't help thinking about what might have been if only he had made different choices when his wife was bitten all those years ago. Movieverse. Set after the events of the film. John POV. One-shot.

  • Orsorum

    (Orsorum: Latin, meaning beginning, start, undertaking/first few words.) For a centurion in Gaius's position, reassignment rarely meant anything good. Of course his next assignment would be no exception. (Based on "The Chosen" and their portrayal of the Apostle Matthew, and Gaius, a centurion. Gaius and Matthew's first meeting, pre-series. No prior knowledge of the show needed.)

  • Symmetry

    Natasha Romanoff had never planned to rely on anyone but herself. Clint/Natasha early partnership. Drabble.

  • A Fighting Chance

    Merlin was a lousy sparring partner. Sometimes, Arthur wondered if a wooden sparring dummy might have been a better alternative. But he kept dragging Merlin to the training fields anyway. Set early in the series. One-shot. No slash.

  • Resolution

    Jealousy was not an emotion that Natasha was used to. In the end, it was enough to tip the scales. Clint/Natasha. One-Shot.

  • Fallout

    The press conference was over, Tony had declared himself to be Iron Man, and Pepper…Pepper was just trying to figure out how she was going to deal with it all. Movieverse. Hints of Tony/Pepper. Set immediately post IM1. One-Shot.