Fairytail ninja

  • The Pirate Prince

    Since he was a child Naruto idolized his father Rayleigh. His only ambition was to one day follow in his footsteps and travel the world. Though losing someone close to his heart, changed his entire life. Now Naruto's left with one goal in life..true peace. Will he accomplish his goal and turn the word upside down? Or will he be the one to burn it down? NarutoxFEMAcexVivi

  • Two Blonds Among the Stars

    Naruto was always a positive and upbeat person. But behind every smile is an untold story of pain and hardship. But with his nine gate keys And his guild Naruto can over come anything. But Fairy Tail's strongest celestial wizard's world is about to be turned upside down by a certain girl with blond hair.

  • Fairy Tail's Crystal Guardian

    After Naruto's father abandoned him and his family. Naruto's mother made a difficult choice to save the lives of the two only people she had left. However, when Ur believes her children to be dead. What will happen to Naruto? Will he fall down the path of darkness with his sister or will he find someone to guide him down the path of light?