
  • Of Alcohol and Approval

    Sera is only trying to beat that blasted cheat of a dwarf at Wicked Grace and enjoy a night off when the rigid, distant Inquisitor stumbles into the tavern.

  • Dallyings of a Dalish

    Little insights into the thoughts of one Solange Lavellan as she deals with a certain Seeker of the Chantry. A collection of drabbles in the second person. Updated in sets of 3.

  • Once More, With Feeling

    Once Leliana knew what feeling and color was. Now she's empty and everything is grey.

  • He Does Not Fear The Night

    You knew nothing of love before he had looked you in the eyes for the first time, before you had run your fingers through his damp curls, before he had touched your brambled heart with the hand of a rose.

  • Tatters and Shreds

    Sometimes not even the heroes and the knights in shining armor can have their happy endings.

  • A Thunderstorm Tale

    Sister Nightingale's old storytelling gift resurfaces.

  • tonight stars are still

    The silence is perfect and she is perfect and everything is perfect and you never thought there was a chance for something to be so...so right.

  • things you know you can't confess, things you search for nonetheless

    Morrigan encounters her reflection four times.

  • green of the fade, green of her eyes

    Another mighty war fortress is falling thanks to the tears in the Fade, and Cassandra is determined to discover the catalyst of this particular tear.

  • Cold Hands

    It's all her fault for not being there in time. All her fault.

  • The Wind Requires Nothing

    She likes the early mornings, because then she doesn't have to do much more than simply be.

  • flowers in her hair and dirt on her cheek

    Solange Lavellan wants to share her own world, the one city dwellers don't see, with her allies and companions, as gratitude and repayment for being welcomed into the human world so warmly. Today, it is Cassandra's turn.

  • Is This A Bad Time?

    Solange Lavellan wakes up from her accidental nap to hear a lot of interesting cursing coming from the entrance hall.