
  • One Choice

    *Will probably change the title* After the Five went through the door, they found themselves in futuristic Chicago, where the city has been fenced off and separated in five factions. Now, the Gatekeepers must go through faction initiation. And that's the least of their worries. Richard and Lohan are both missing. Maybe it's not just their world they have to save...

  • Broken Hearts

    One-shot, pretty short. When Harry wakes up, he never thought he'd wake to see Ginny like this... Comfort moment between Harry and Ginny.

  • Family Isn't Just Blood

    Just a thing I started to get back into the swing of writing. Little drabbles into Matt and Richard's lives after the war in Oblivion. Rated T because that's just what I do. {hiatus}

  • The Final Goodbye

    "Matthew Freeman, you are not leaving me!"

  • The Talk

    A short comfort moment between Jamie and Scott. Set a while after Oblivion. General 'cause I couldn't see another genre that suited.

  • Revenge

    Emily is about to leave for the Hamptons to begin her revenge. How does she spend her last moments? [discontinued]