
  • A black raven and a white dove

    In the Phantomhive household there are twins like no other. Emily and Ciel are born together but will their fates be the same? Read to find out. Follows anime and has SebxOC. Rated M for a reason

  • Insanity has a new name

    After the team defeated Asura they thought it was all over...but it wasnt. Now its time for a new hero and she is Lucy Dark. She now has to learn how to defeat the man who killed her father and learn how to control her emotions...but can she do it before he gets her? Set after the story and includes all charaters (except Medusa and the witches killed). Kid x OC later on

  • Tears to shed

    Within the Cross family there are four siblings and one hell of a mess. The oldest Aria is a pureblood and her life long friend Kaname admitts that he doesnt love Yuki one night. But she knows how much she loves him. She will try anything to get his passion back for Yuki and that only involves her more. Story from the begining. All characters from the anime.