
  • Castle Fanfic: You Smell Like Cherries (or, The Stakeout)

    Beckett is hit by a nasty case of food poisoning during a stakeout (get it, stakeout?) for Vampire Weekend, which is one of my favorite Castle episodes. Pure fluff: the Anti-Angst. Scatological/ gallows humor, so if you think it might be in bad taste, you're probably right. Doesn't get gross, though. Plus character development because I needs it. ABC owns it. I parody it with love

  • Chickens in Paradise: A Tribute to Surviving Paradise by dredit92

    Really, you should read this first: /s/10355585/1/Surviving-Paradise I was inspired by dredit92's wonderful story, which out-jack-londons Jack London and really is wonderful. As that story has progressed, I've marveled at its twists, turns, character development & attention to detail & atmosphere. As for Chickens in Paradise, I own nothing except my own words

  • Too Soon: A Castle Fan Fiction

    My 1st ever entry for the '2014 Ficathon Entry'. Based on @Fembot77's prompt. All gratitude for Castle goes to Marlowe/ABC; I own only my own words in random order. It's been a long, fun, exciting ride. THANKS for your kind words, reviews, and friendly correspondence. You, dear readers, are awesome human beings. Estou feliz que eu fiz você se sentir fortemente. Muito obrigado!

  • Castle fanfic: The Condensed Version

    After writing about a tea party (of course gone horribly wrong) in Too Soon, I was so gratified to see this enchanting photo. So here's a little crack fic about Castle, Alexis, and an imaginary cup of tea. NOT a cute story. MilMar and ABC made it happen with an amazing cast & crew. I own nothing. One-shot. I MEAN IT.

  • Castle Fanfic: Love Letters: A Halloween Story

    Beckett & Castle find mysterious old letters in a trunk... & a glimpse of true love from the past. This story pretty much wrote itself. I am humbly grateful for the many kind reviews. Mature themes, but not too juicy. Eternal love to my CRD: "Do you have the tickets?" "I thought you had the tickets!" g Thanks, LordOfKavaka, for #CastleHalloweenBash

  • Castle Fanfic - FLUFF - Kintsugi

    Based on Lousie McDoogle's prompt - post- "Resurrection" family ice cream binge. MilMar and ABC own the characters and all the real stuff. I just add a few words here and there in homage.

  • I Can't Even - A Castle FanFic

    Is it possible that a nationally-broadcast crime show can literally be killing off its viewers? Castle and Beckett are hot on the trail.

  • Castle Fanfic - FLUFF - Mixing Metaphors in Mid-Stream

    Either the universe is a giant clock winding down, or Rick is daydreaming about kisses, and getting all wound up.

  • Castle Fanfiction: Resting the Case

    Johanna Houghton and Jim Beckett are trying to get their new baby to sleep. Turns out she's not the only thing keeping them awake. A one-shot for Angie Smartypants and her friend Adriana.

  • ThankYou Terri: Snooping (A Body Without A Soul)

    Based on Prompt #4 from ThankYouTerri: Castle snoops to see if Beckett really has any signed copies of his books, or gets caught snooping, or something. As usual I got the rules all wrong but here it is, and thanks to all who participated. No beta. probably a mess, but a heartfelt mess :-)

  • Castle Fanfic: Full Moon in Manhattan, or, Kill Your Darlings

    How Castle wound up naked, on a stolen police horse. An experiment in tangent management, a piece of fluff to clean my brain, and now introducing Fred the Wonder Horse. Flight of fancy. Note: I've never ridden a horse naked. One-shot entry for Castle Summer Ficathon 2014. I own nothing but my own words. Thanks to Castle writers for the inspiration

  • The Widget - A Firefly Castle crossover (with a hint of Chuck)

    When asked "What would happen if Castle and Reynolds met?" Nathan said, "Mal would shoot him in the face." I respectfully disagree, and speaking of respectful disagreement, both shows are great. NO h8, ok? Marlowe & ABC own Castle. Whedon and Fox own Firefly. But, as Joss pointed out, the story's still happening. I love him for that. Note: happy to get constructive criticism.

  • The Carousel

    Sequel 2 Castle in the Sand. A woman without a muse struggles to express herself through texting. Rated M for a lot of things including metaphors. I for innuendo. T for Titillating. This is probably way too long. Welcome constructive criticism. I own neither Castle, nor any of its characters, nor Little Bo Peep, nor rights to any board game, fictional or not.

  • Sleeping with the Fishes

    Based on a prompt, "Sleep with whoever you want. The more the merrier!" Kate's line in Pandora: she's still with Josh, but jealous of Castle's ex-muse. He's already helped her escape a watery death at the bottom of the Hudson. Well-played, Kate! Characters & basic scenario belong to AW Marlowe & ABC. So does my gratitude. Thanks to Lou for the invaluable advice!

  • Stop and Stare

    If Kate was such a fangirl, why was she SO hostile toward Rick when she came to interview him at the book launch party? Maybe she had mixed feelings before he even turned around to talk to her. This is my 2nd posting on but I wrote the story in October 2013, based on a "song title" prompt. It was supposed to be 1000 words. I've added a little more depth since then.

  • Castle in the Sand minor edits

    On a visit to Venice Beach, a lonely writer phones in a bedtime story to the woman he loves. Based on 2 prompts: FemBot's - "A Steamy Story with Only G-rated Words", & the phrase "All the songs make sense". It should be rated M for Metaphor. This is my first post. Critics, please be gentle but thorough :-D Thanks& XO to my beta 1st responders: Dia, Lousie & Nicole