
  • After The Montgomery

    What did Chuck think was going to happen when he showed up at Sarah's door with a white jacket, rose, and bottle of wine? Here is my vision of what could have happened

  • The Spite Mission

    What happened in Pink Slip with the Giles mission? This is my vision. If you don't want to read about Sarah using sex on an assignment, please, please skip this. This will be a strong Charah story and have a sappy happy ending. But it starts off pretty grim from a Charah POV. It's T for strong adult situations and plenty of implied sex.

  • Deadly Illusions

    This is a sequel to the Cost of Love Remastered. Chuck and Sarah face new enemies as they find out that many things they thought they knew are actually more complicated. This is an adult oriented story, not smut. See each chapter for content warnings.

  • The Upper Hand

    From the very beginning Sarah always had the upper hand in their relationship. She determined how far it could go. And she sometimes acted incredibly unfairly. She would get jealous, send him mixed signals, and then push him away when he tried to act on those signals. What if Chuck were to gain the upper hand?

  • Sarah vs Jeffster

    Chuck needs the Buy More to be profitable to fund the struggling Carmichael Industries. Having a Jeffster concert might be a draw. The one problem, Jeffster is not really a draw. Every rock band needs a draw, right? And what better draw than a half dressed smoking hot blonde playing the tambourine and bouncing around the stage? I mean, look what it did for Brittney Spears.