
  • The Pine Barrens Paranormal

    ""I can't sleep," the six year old answered, fidgeting with his stuffed bunny. "Haley told me about the Jersey Devil and I'm worried it might eat me," Beverly groaned. "The Jersey Devil is a myth, Leonard."" Oh, if only that were true Beverly. Chapter 2. The Devil makes a house call

  • How to write characters for fangirls, hetalia edition

    Are you working on a new hetalia story, and you need to create your own characters? Well, before you write a crappy character, you might want to check this out. Just read the instructions on how to create a good character, than fill in the character form. That way, you have at least the basics before you write your story. Also, you can submit your oc and I'll post it.

  • Icarus

    Arthur Kirkland is a simple merchant trying to make a living on the airship Rainha do Mar. However, his life goes into a tailspin after a popular inventor turns up dead in London and Arthur was the last person to see him. Now Arthur must find the real murderer, somewhere in the Steampunk Victorian-era England. Icarus recounts this mystery through pages from Arthur's own journal.

  • Heroics

    In what universe is Alfred the hero? In all of them, that's the point my dear Villain. This is where I describe Voldy's flaw in reaching immortality.

  • Fun-size

    As usual, our favorite Brit is screwed, as he has to deal with a hostile France wearing a toga and armed with a wooden sword, America insisting he's the hero, Russia being scared of hamsters, and Germany is adorable. And all of the biscuits are gone. One more thing, small does not mean fun size. "Cookies!" They all screamed. In five minutes, it was a cookie massacre.