Snowfire the Kitsune

  • Harry Potter: Take 2

    Narcissa Malfoy wakes up one morning with future knowledge of what happens to her family a year before Draco's first year. Horrified at learning through a third party's eyes, she takes steps to escape Lucius' hold with Draco, save her son, save Harry, rescue Sirius, catch Pettigrew, & stay alive. There's just one minor detail that she's unaware of, she wasn't the only one.

  • Misprint

    Moira knew putting that ad in the paper would bring in some interesting patients for her uncle! She had been a Ravenclaw, after all.

  • Harry Potter and Dumbledore's Secret

    A new girl takes Harry, the Marauders, Snape, the Founders, and Draco along for a wild ride across time, against Voldemort, and against a rising threat... the Gray Lord.

  • Immortal

    Truthfully, all those times Harry ‘supposedly’ died, he only nearly died. His luck had held up until his twentythird birthday, but that’s when the other shoe came crashing down…