
  • Picture Perfect

    Syaoran and Sakura, through Tomoyo's eyes. Three-shot. SS focused with ET on the peripherals.

  • In Plain Sight

    "Love is a powerful motivation." He said, his warm eyes focusing back on her awed ones. "It makes you risk it all and think it's all worth it." But it was not time to sing to Juliet, Romeo. No, it was time for war. Time to crush souls, tear apart families, break hearts. There will be espionage, bloodshed, battle of the wits, and worst of all...Syaoran's driving.

  • 24

    Sakura has nowhere to run and the enemy's closing in. Takashi must expose the truth, but his reputation stands in the way. Yue is faced with a mission, in which both success and failure lead to dire consequences. The one thing they have in common? 24 hours: no more, no less. AU Magic. SS CT.