Blonde Panther

  • Foreseer

    FE13. The masked swordsman infiltrates the palace of Ylisstol for the good of the royal family, but when another group has that same idea with less savoury intentions, her plan goes terribly awry.

  • Reunion in Ositia

    FE6. During her imprisonment in her own castle, by the hands of a general she trusted, Princess Lilina resolves to stay strong, waiting patiently for Roy to come save her. But once released, she realises she still can't show her despair.

  • Bruises

    Post-FE3/12. King Marth of Altea does not sleep peacefully. He flails and screams in a trauma-filled nightmare, worrying his wife. When she asks him about the cause of his distress, he can no longer hide the secret he's carried with him for years. Rated for domestic violence.

  • The Snowy Blossom of Love

    Post-FE7. Sain sneaks away from home to arrange a surprise for his dear wife, but on the way to getting the gift, he runs into and unexpected, if noble, complication in the plan. Birthday fic for Darth Slaverus.

  • A New Lycian League

    FE6, chapter 8-9-ish. When Roy returns home to Pherae with Lilina in tow, Eliwood realises the rebellion is over and sets to work on repairing what it has destroyed; starting with the power structure in Lycia.

  • To Be a Father

    Post-FE7. Eliwood does not feel comfortable at all when his son is born; first he fears the delivery may take his wife from him, and when he sees the child and realises he now has to be a father, he worries that he has no idea how one goes about this entire 'parent' thing.

  • For the Cause

    FE7. Darin of Lahus summons several Lycian marquesses to his side, plotting a rebellion that will overthrow the young and inexperienced Uther of Ositia. The otherwise loyal Elbert of Pherae is one of the conspirators; but despite his noblest of motives, he will soon be caught up in something far more sinister than a simple rebellion...

  • The Lost Soul of the Manor

    FE13. Despite overwhelming numbers, the Shepherds are succeeding in ridding an old manor of Risen presence and saving the young Dragon girl within. That is, until their chief tactician becomes overconfident in who she sends to deal with what... Rated for character death.