

  • Sea Call

    The sea is not something men can claim. —extremely subtle Judar x Kougyoku, slightly AU

  • little red

    Red will forever rule her. —Kougyoku and her brothers, plus some JuKou on the side because it's perfect

  • Nightingale

    She leaves her wings to the most trustworthy person she knows. —Arba

  • Sine Gloria

    Claudia is one of the few Vestales chosen to assist Lady Scheherazade in her duties as the High Priestess of Reim. But dark things are stirring, so when a man with a funny hat offers her the power of kings, she is forced to choose where to lay her loyalties—her country or the rest of the world. Muu x OC x Sinbad

  • White Balance

    Modeling is pretty easy, especially if you just smile at the person behind the camera. Kise x OC

  • appleseed

    The apple does not fall far from the tree. —Hakuei, Gyokuen, drabble