

  • Job Interview

    After the end of the war, the new Headmistress interviews a potential DADA instructor.

  • Covenant

    Also crosses over The Sandman comics. Luna takes refuge in dreams.

  • Dynamic Stasis

    Sakura and Aya-chan take every day as it comes- flowers and choices and lack of choices and all. Follow up to 'Transitions.'

  • Under Saturn

    In which Crawford has a vision and Yohji has a very, very bad day.

  • To the Victor

    Candace never thought about what came after Doofenshmirtz. There's still a lot to do, but now she can see the future coming. Second Dimension story.

  • Genesis

    Life in Narnia took some getting used to.

  • Repairs (the Mary Ellen Carter Remix)

    During the crisis, everything was easy. It was after when Clint had real trouble.

  • In Exile

    This isn't the way Prunaprismia ever imagined her life going.

  • Precipice

    Miss Parker needs to trust somebody. She's just not sure Jarod is the best choice. (This is a slight AU that assumes that Miss Parker found out about Jarod's acquaintance with Thomas almost immediately after the end of Wake Up rather than a year later. Other events, up until Wake Up, follow canon.)

  • Investment

    Aral surprises Cordelia with a suggestion.

  • Symphysis

    A job for Kakei requires a camping trip which leads to other unexpected events.

  • Rustication

    Ukyou could think of many worse people with whom to be stuck in unknown territory, but that didn't mean that she wanted to be there.

  • Not All My Grief (Four Things That Might Have Happened to Susan)

    After, Susan's life went on.

  • The Road Taken

    Crawford never thought Weiss was important. Now he's realized that he needs them. That's... inconvenient. AU in which Takatori Reiji never fired Schwarz.

  • Transitions

    The end of one thing is the beginning of another. Sakura and Aya-chan have no one else after the tower falls.

  • Prodigal

    Nagi doesn't want to listen to Crawford. Unfortunately, he doesn't have other options.

  • Soiled

    Ken likes some parts of the day job.

  • Interstice (the Saddle in the Rain Remix)

    Miroku's curse wants to be passed on.

  • Casualties

    Ran has no idea what the day after catastrophe should be like. He can only do his best and take one step at a time.

  • Substratum (the Diamonds in the Rough Remix)

    Kakashi's not at all sure what to do with his new genin.