
  • Clementine and Mint

    A collection of one-shots and drabbles centered on Hermione and Barty interacting during Fourth Year. All while he is disguised as Mad-Eye Moody.

  • Honeyed Words and Frigid Promises

    It's just another night, another party where the nobles gather and Noelle slips away, alone. Or that's what should've happened.

  • Procyon Mask

    Who knew a single letter could destroy Hermione's life in seconds upon opening it? She didn't, and she's not prepared for the Ministry's new law or the husband they picked for her. This all has to be one big mistake.

  • Cold Steel

    The reality is that he's not worthy of her. He never will be, but he keeps trying anyway.

  • The Disaster Seashore

    Noelle was just trying to get Asta's attention long enough to ask one simple question… Why did everyone else have to make it so difficult?

  • Sing With Me

    A dark melody wraps itself around her, stealing into her heart. Just like that time in the forest when she was carried up, up and away into this Hell. Kate/Trickster

  • Lunar Embrace

    It's not like the Ministry could foresee why this might not be a good idea. Most sixth years didn't make the cut for the marriage law at the time, just a few. One of those included Hermione Granger. And a certain Bartemius just had his name cleared under rather mysterious circumstances.

  • Moonstruck: Would You Kindly?

    I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind.

  • Shards

    She was raised as a muggle, not unheard of in the wizarding world. A simplified beginning, similar to a friend of hers, if not for all the lies behind it.

  • One Last Time

    Fred and Hermione see eachother off before all hell breaks loose.

  • Whisper in my ear

    There are secrets in Hogwarts, always have been, the most recent being both sinister and sweet.

  • The Aroma

    This one was special. This one was to be his.

  • Self-Exile

    Voldemort has won. Wizarding Britain is lost, and the world might as well be falling to pieces.

  • One Unyielding Prima

    Nymphadora, the epitome of difficult. But completely worth it in Narcissa's eyes.

  • Games of the Heart

    Moving is always hard, even if it was your idea.

  • Marred Badger

    Scream pretty badger. Scream if you can.

  • Beloved Sister

    They were in the stalls, and Yuka ran out screaming to Kizami. The absolute last person she should have run to.

  • Devilkin

    Blacks. They're nothing but trouble.

  • Dark Cadence

    Shepard is being followed. From small space ports to the Citadel. Question is: Who is it and Why?

  • Vestibule of the Wayward Fayth

    There are many hidden doors and each leads to one place: Jikanare.