
  • We Come Home

    Jem is gone - dead and buried. Will's world is falling apart. Every night, he wakes to Tessa's jagged screams. Tessa, who can't eat and can't sleep and can't look him in the eye. Jem, who is dead. Will, who is broken. Helpless and heartbroken, he tries to put the pieces back together.

  • I Needed You

    One-Shot. At her father's funeral, Cammie sees him. She thought she'd never see him again. (She knew she would) She never wanted to see him again. (He was the only person she wanted to see)

  • Summer Tour

    Queen Bitterblue tours her kingdom (after "Bitterblue") and finds some rather surprising Lords, some rather oddly named sons, and inexplicable danger. Definitely going to have some romance...