
  • Can't Feel My Soul

    When old friends go to war with each other, sometimes it takes an outside party to bring things back into balance. Luckily, as a gray mage, balance is what Adam's best at. AU ::READ WARNINGS INSIDE::

  • The Continuing Story of Bucky and Phil

    Phil Coulson. Agent, literal Supernanny, Cap's biggest fan. Rumors of his death had been greatly exaggerated...Bucky Barnes. Sniper, in need of a haircut, Cap's biggestest fan. He's not too happy about this tidy little suit-and-tie pushing in on his friendship, no matter how strained it is at the moment. Marvel as they interact. Or something.

  • O, Death

    "Fearing death is normal for people. It means letting go. Leaving. Unwilling change. A void. All living things naturally cling to life." 2x3, hints of 5xCathy **companion piece to Family Circus**

  • Family Circus

    'The void of space, the aching cold, the feel of Death wrapping heavy arms around him, finally and much too soon. It will never leave you, he murmurs, corpse-chilled lips pressing softly against Trowa's skin. I will never leave you. Somehow, all Trowa can think is that he's never been especially afraid of Death.' 2x3, 5xCathy

  • Unlikely Legends From The Beacon Hills Cycle S01: Tipping The Scales

    Stiles had thought about being super-human before. What teenage boy doesn't? But when it comes right down to it, he can't deny that being human feels RIGHT - he's exactly who he's meant to be, and that's fine. Someone needs to keep the pack connected to reality, anyway. But suddenly, he's decidedly NOT human, and it's worse than he'd imagined. ***FORMATTING FIXED***