
  • Live for love

    The story is set after "Where She Went". Mia and Adam are together again but what happens when Mia joins Adam in one of his concerts in Paris? And what will happen between our sweethearts when someone gets in the way? A guy who plays the violin that Mia met at Juilliard & someone that she admires? Rated T (just in case) NEW CHAPTER! (CHAPTER 3) after all this time! Enjoy and review

  • Unchanging love

    Lily's and Severus story before, during and after Hogwarts. How he developed his undeniable love for her, how she fell in love with James and how the two ex best friends changed their paths during hard times. A story about this complicated love triangle. The plot is better than the summary, I promise! Review please! If you can think of a better title, let me know, I'd be grateful.