Imagination that

  • Not the kind of girl who should be

    Really what was he thinking agreeing to this, she is his antithesis! I had to do something but the question was, was I brave enough to do something so stupid and brash? AU just a fun little drabble where you get to imagine the story with your favorite and least favorite Link/girl wedding pairings. Based on Talyor Swift's song "Speak Now".

  • The Chosen Guardian

    One-Shot Reviewer Request Pre-Skyward Sword set a few years before the war. Rated M for violence and mild suggestive themes though nothing explicit. If you've left a story request for me please at least read the Reviewer Requests near the bottom. Or just read it for the story. Young Impa, before she became the kick butt warrior we all know and love.

  • Gerudo Meat

    The mission was simple, yet everything that could go wrong did. They were desperate for help, even desperate enough to ask the help of the mysterious cloaked figure. Who was this boy? And could they really trust him not to kill them?

  • A Kooloo-limpha Holiday

    This is just a short crack, not to be taken seriously, funny fic about a holiday in Hyrule. Many of our favorite characters make appearances in the story. Bear in mind this involves many obsessive characters but there isn't anything excessive or dirty. Just fun or at least in my opinion. Hopefully you enjoy!

  • The Beasts of Ordon

    The wolf people had been attacking the villagers for years and many of them had been slaughtered. Finally though the Ordonians have managed to capture the last of the feral beasts, and once he is dead they will be safe. So why does this boy say that upon his death the village will be massacred? Short story, AU Twilight Princess.

  • Endless Darkness

    A mere child sentenced to a life of eternal inescapable darkness. What possible reason could they have for doing this? The boy didn't deserve this, but could they escape or would he to be drawn into that black abyss? Pre/Post Twilight Princess story told mainly from Rusl's POV though not entirely.

  • The Offer

    "It's your choice rather or not to accept my offer; it all depends on how badly you want my help. If you can bring me what I desire I will help you with what you desire." One-shot short conversation between the below characters it kind of reminds me of one of the clandestine meetings of those old mob movies. FYI mentions of kidnapping and theft.

  • Zelda's Link

    He had only ever been a slave living only to serve others, it was all he knew. She had never known true hardship, sheltered and spoiled she could never understand true pain. Now as darkness threatens to consume the Kingdom they must overcome themselves to bring forth the light. Rated M mainly for blood & gore though hints towards other M rated areas.

  • Highway Heroes

    A Legend of Zelda take on the classic song "Highwaymen". Only rated T for implications of death nothing gory in it so it could probably be K but better safe than sorry. If you've never heard of the song look it up the signers are in the author notes and it is a great song. Then come back and read this or read it while listening to the song.