
  • Lost Years

    One-shots about Lyell's lost years.

  • Final Words

    Matthew Morgan has been captured by the Circle, and now waits for death. These are his final words.

  • Sparrow

    Lena's thoughts during the funeral in Beautiful Darkness.

  • A Woman Scorned

    No matter what, she will always be a woman scorned, and she will always love him, in her own way. Lyell/Titania

  • Ancient Vows

    From the time of Adin to Lief's time, vows have been a part of Deltora's history. Here are some tales, chronicling the making of each vow and the people who were bound to them.

  • Needle and Thread

    For the first time in her life, Jasmine tries on a dress. A torturous experience, to be sure...

  • The Sunflower

    Meng thought she was content living solely with Bartholomew Bloor in the Chinese countryside, but when an orphaned four-year-old girl appears in their cottage after a flood Meng finds herself wanting to help her. However, Bartholomew is reluctant to accept any change to their family dynamic and is determined to be rid of the girl, one way or another.

  • A Return to Normalcy

    Time. There is always time, everyone says. Time for healing, time for revelations. But both Lyell and Amy discover that time is something they don't have enough of.

  • ABC

    A set of drabbles in alphabetical order about Sevenwaters.

  • Mysteries

    After a sudden phone call from his son, Mr Singh returns to the Red King's city to investigate the mysterious activities going on there. And, to his surprise, he learns more than he expects to, of a dark evil that has been unleashed into the world, of hypnosis and treachery, and of the cruel attitudes of the Bloors.

  • Breaking the Rules

    He was a husband, a friend, a father and a son, and though he was now lost, he would never be forgotten. A look at the events surrounding Lyell Bone's disappearance.

  • The Sailor

    Padriac leaves Sevenwaters for the sailing life, trying to escape the memories the place evokes for him of the curse and the lady Oonagh. A look at the life of Sorcha's youngest brother after the events of 'Daughter of the Forest'.

  • Burdens

    Conor's thoughts during the early years of the curse.