

  • Not A Day Goes By

    One shot set the night before the final battle in Chosen. Missing scenes from Buffy and Spike's final night together. WARNING: Chosen spoilers and character death.

  • Beautiful Enemies

    The Scoobies are defenceless as a group of demons stop at nothing to hunt down and kill Buffy. They come to the unfortunate realisation that only Spike is strong enough to protect her from them. Will the mortal enemies agree to work together ?

  • Human Nature

    Buffy and Spike have finally managed to eradicate the demonic evil threatning their happiness, with their new daughter, but it seems impossible to take control of one thing they can't fight...time. **SEQUEL TO ALL I ASK** and **SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR**

  • Children

    Oneshot. Early Season 5. Buffy and Spike share a tender moment over the Slayer's pregnancy scare. Enjoy! Few Buffy/Riley references. Not happy ones, however.

  • Something To Live For

    **SEQUEL TO ALL I ASK** Things become 10x more complicated for the slayer and her vampire as they fight to protect their unborn child from revenge riddled Illyria. The god has been almost impossible to track down let alone defeat but is Spike's accidental discovery the key to destroying her once and for all? Rated R for now but may become NC-17

  • All I Ask

    Buffy and Spike are reunited post NFA. They haven't seen each other since the Hellmouth. Buffy has only just learnt of Spike's existence again. Can they move on and start again with their pasts still lurking around the corner? (Ignoring some things in the comics) Rated M just in case. Lots of Spuffy fluff and feels!

  • Destiny and Dreams

    No matter what Buffy tries to do stay away from Spike, her vampire somehow always knows how to do or say the right thing... Set between the end of Tabula Rasa and the beginning of Smashed.

  • Easier

    An alternative ending to Buffy and Spike's reunion in After Life, Episode 3, Season 6 after she's been resurrected! Lots of fluff! The way their reunion should've ended and without the interruptions from Xander,Willow,Anya,Tara and Dawn.