
  • Valentine's Day Visit

    Meggie thinks of a simple way to bring Farid back for a visit to his old friends in the Inkworld. But Farid has a surprise for them too. It's a very special day in Meggie's world, and Farid has plans to help his friends to celebrate it! This fic is a present for my friend Sauron Gorthaur, who introduced me to the Inkworld and, most of all, taught me to love Dustfinger. Happy V-Day!

  • Regulus Abraxas Black

    The story of how R.A.B. stole Voldemort's Horcrux. Rated PG-13 for two Unforgivable Curses and for torture devised by Voldemort. Just what is it like to drink the green potion in the cave? What terrors might you face, and how could one alone achieve it?

  • Unforgivable

    Harry Potter would save the world from Voldemort's evil, if he could. No matter what the cost to himself. But what about the cost to his dear friend Neville? Pain for loved ones can let us perform acts of ultimate evil - or ultimate heroism. Maybe both.

  • Secret Keeper

    What if Peter Pettigrew had been faithful after all? What if he had been just strong enough to defy Voldemort? His bravery could have made all the difference in the world - but some things would have stayed just the same. AU. James and Lily Potter live!

  • Three, Seven, Nine, One

    What might Sauron make of the haiku poetry form, if he heard of it? This little piece came about quite suddenly when that question crossed my mind. It struck me that he would probably take and use the idea, but change it to suit his liking. Resulting in this: a poem done all in one-syllable words, a certain number in each line (as my title says) for a very specific reason. ;)

  • How Empty

    Linked series of six haiku for the episode, "Skin of Evil." Data told Captain Picard that his thoughts were not for Tasha, but for himself: "how empty it will be without her." He asked if he'd missed the point, and Jean-Luc said, "No, you got it exactly." But did Jean-Luc himself miss something vital? And more importantly, did we? I know I did, for many years... What do you feel?

  • Deceit

    A series of haiku, exploring the range of truth and falsehood, dark and light, in the words and actions of various LOTR, Silmarillion, and/or The Hobbit characters. Is the dark always completely dark, the light always fully light? Or are there varying shades of honesty and deception, good and evil, in all of us? And might we sometimes be surprised by whose words are most truthful?

  • We're All Playing

    A POV piece from Cinna, when Katniss was in her first Hunger Games. And featuring a cameo appearance by Haymitch! Cinna watches the Girl on Fire fighting for life as she tries to find water, that crucial second day of the Games when she almost died of dehydration. He can't do anything to help her... but maybe Haymitch can. Oneshot, but can be read with my other HG fanfics.

  • Sestina of Cinna's Survival and My Own

    Ever heard of NaNoWriMo, a poetic form called a sestina, or my own personal HG fanfic novel, 'Into My Work? Well, here's your chance to be introduced to all three in 500 words or less! This poem describes my experience in my first ever NaNoWriMo, a challenge to write at least 50,000 words of a novel in a month - just after I survived a bad car wreck. Did I win? Read this and see!

  • Sacred Creations

    Fandom and spirituality? You bet. I wrote this poem about 3 o'clock this morning, in a very sacred moment. It's about Cinna and Katniss, but in a deeper way it's about my own beliefs. What can we look forward to when we move beyond this life? Will we be able to continue doing the things we love? I believe we will. Sometimes, it may be even more beautiful than what we knew in life.

  • Spontaneous Combustion

    A haiku for my favorite stylist! My thoughts on the way Cinna's emotions become his designs, in the context of the wedding dress that caught fire to reveal Katniss as the Mockingjay. I think Cinna must have felt about ready to burst into flames himself!

  • Droon's Paintbrush

    Sequel to "The King's Stilts." When King Birtram lost his stilts, he got sad and grumpy. The King's advisor, Lord Droon, was ALREADY sad and grumpy. So I did the math and wondered: What might Droon have lost, and when? And what might happen if he got it back? Little Betty, the youngest cook in the Cat Kitchen, wondered the same thing. So one day, she brought Droon a special gift...