
  • The Roseknight Coffee Shop AU No One Asked For

    Coffee Shop AU. Aki feels neglected by her husband, Divine, and finds herself smitten with the barista of a café she used to frequent before she was married. Where will these feelings lead her? Is this true attraction or is she experiencing an embarrassing midlife crisis? Submission for Rare Pair week.

  • Team Emotion

    Loyalty makes a team. But Aki begins to feel her loyalty for Team 5D's slip with each passing day. A what-if fic that explores a possibility that I spent over a month imagining in my head: Aki Izayoi betraying Team 5Ds to join Sherry Leblanc's team at the WRGP. Covers the events leading up to the betrayal and the duels between the teams in the WRGP. T for blood.

  • Heavy Gear Solid 3: Tiger Eater

    Metal Gear Solid parody AsaHaru crackfic. Tiger's recon mission becomes a sabotage mission when a Heavy Gear is spotted in the Goha army base. Written with nothing in mind. Head empty type fic. Enjoy.

  • Afterschool Tutoring

    A day by day look at the thirty-one days Sherry spends with Aki at Duel Academy, neither girl aware they have such a short amount of time with one another. Canon compliant, pre-5Ds. Slowburn Roseknight. There is no happy ending, I'm sorry in advance.

  • Floral Dreams

    Only in dreams can Sherry express her true feelings to Aki. Rated M for sexual content. (It has a happy ending, I promise.) Put up a part 2 with Aki's POV because we deserve it.

  • Between the Camera and You

    Photography AU. Carly's head over heels for her model, Aki. Who wouldn't be? Written as a Secret Santa gift!

  • Perfectly Bilingual

    AU: Sherry is flown off to faraway America to attend a boarding school thanks to her father's disagreeable methods of family bonding. By a stroke of luck, she ends up sharing dorm rooms with an Internet buddy named Aki. Tomfoolery and shenanigans abound, Sherry's life seems to have become far more interesting than it used to be. FemSlash in later chapters. OoC