

  • It's Sailing Tradition

    It's another way that Alek must contend that Deryn Sharp is a true soldier and that being with her means accepting her whole self; military traditions and all.

  • A Quiet Collection

    A collection of drabbles, updated infrequently.

  • Phrase The Feel

    When Draco, the one person who Ginny holds dearest is threatened what can she say to him, the only one who has ever left a stark mark on the blank canvas of her soul? What can she say to express the explosive emotion she harbours within...?

  • Née Weasley

    An expression of truth at a beautiful wedding.

  • Interest

    Ginny Weasley discovers the wealth of her relationship with Draco Malfoy. Lovingly written drabble.

  • Search the Sheets

    A fluffy three-part capture of the love that Draco and Ginny come to share in a difficult and lonely world of war and hate. Pure D x G bliss...

  • Brown Eyes

    Draco Malfoy, the quiet, stoic and sad young figure who works as a double agent for the Order of the Phoenix, has endured the past eight years for her love only. Unsuspectingly, he finds her in a muggle song that expresses love in lyric.

  • Voided Tangent

    COMPLETE: Ginny is dying of terminal cancer and Draco is her support, her passion and her intended. With first point of view of their life and their love, an insight to their innermind and strength of character is witnessed and remembered.

  • My Study Partner

    COMPLETE: Ginny is stuck with a certain Malfoy when the library is full. Strange, he's acting... decent. Before she knows what is going on, Ginny has fallen for him. What happens now? Love entwines these two souls together... GinDraco

  • When I Met You

    COMPLETE: Ginny Weasley and Draco Malfoy are fantastic Aurors. What happens when a bloody war between the light and dark side throw these two people together? New realisations take place and uncontrollable feelings take over.