Pyua Yami

  • New Life, Another Dimension

    Gingka, after losing to Nemesis, is sent to another dimension with no memory of who he once was. Now, he will travel the country, along with a girl named Hitomi, to become the strongest blader of all, while trying to recover his memory. UP FOR ADOPTION!

  • Life With The Counterparts

    Adventures of Gingka, Ryuga, Zyro, their counterparts, and their beys.

  • Tear For Flame

    Continued from GhostFairy. Even though I haven't known Flame as long as everyone else, it's still hurts to know that she's gone.

  • Writer's Block!

    For GalaxyPegasus14's challenge! Read and enjoy!

  • Memorial for Seeker

    A memorial for our good friend, Jesussseeker1. Please read, review, and if you have anything to say then post it on our forum. PM me for the link.

  • MFB Court

    A series of cases that are silly, yet sometimes serious. Read and feel free to join in. Rated T for language.

  • MFB Halloween Special

    It's Halloween! Things should be fun, right? Wrong! Something has happened to Yami and the whole world is thrown into chaos! Will Gingka and his friends stop this madness before it's too late?

  • Bey Academy

    "When I came to this school, I thought I would be learning about beys, making friends and rivals, and having epic bey battles. Who would've thought I would have to end up saving the world from a madman, who is also our principal? Yep! Definitely going to love it here!" Self Insert and OC story. No longer accepting OCs. UP FOR ADOPTION!