

  • Remember When

    Hanji is pregnant, but does Levi want kids at all? Rated M for abortion, eventual c-section, and Levi's mouth of course.

  • Reality Kick

    Moments with their children that all started with a kick. -collection of oneshots, some inter-connected. Some Ayahina, as well. ADOPTED BY JESTER551

  • Grocers Encounter

    A girl offered to help Soul with his groceries after he fell, but he refuses. When she leaves, Soul regrets not asking for her name or anything. Luckily, the universe took pity on him and they met again on Valentine's Day

  • The Next Step

    Hinami wakes up from a night at her boyfriend's unaware that a big change is about to occur.

  • Stranger to Soulmate?

    Maka's date ignores her during the game, but a stranger is about to save the day!

  • Meddlesome Sister

    Touka's great, she just has a habit of getting into her brother's business.

  • Roadside Assistance

    Hinami has a flat tire, but doesn't really know how to change a tire on her own. Ayato to the rescue? -AU, apologies for any OOC, T for Hinami's potty mouth.

  • Babyneki

    Kaneki wakes up to see he's become a toddler! What will Touka do when she sees? -oneshot

  • First Meeting

    Lan Fan was just trying to have a nice walk home, can't she at least have that?

  • Double Lines

    How would Touka tell Kaneki she's pregnant and how would he react? - I have no excuse for this, I am so sorry.

  • Soapsuds

    Doing the dishes seems like a simple task, right? Not when Maka decides to get revenge. Companion/sequel to Laundry Day.

  • Laundry Day

    Maka just wants a little help with the laundry, is that too much to ask? But Soul has a different idea in mind...