
  • Hindsight or foresight

    What of you had the power to see how everybody you touch dies? Would you want that? Or would you think to was a curse? Season 4 storyline with an added plot point. Maybe more seasons later. Main pairing Willow/Tara

  • All In Your Minds

    Did you think the Normal Again universe just stopped existing because Buffy stopped believing it? The Wishverse is still going, so why not this one? It's almost a year since the mental institute, and a doctor is about to make an announcement that brings our hero to Sunnydale, lucid or not. But what's real and what's not? It's not that simple anymore. You might never know again.

  • Willow's desent

    A series of prompt formed chapters that link together to form a Season 6 story. Still in progress, you're welcome to give me prompt words, it would help a lot. :)