
  • B is back - THE GAME

    Light is alive again. The reason? A game. At the same time L awakens as well. Who is going to win? Death or life? Discontinued.

  • Worse than ever

    There are things, that should just not happen. Accelerator meeting Hanamiya Makoto for example.

  • The third player

    Practicing your ability is fine. As long as you don't screw up, that is. Well, he guessed dimensional travel wasn't all that bad. He got a nice notebook after all for his troubles.

  • Back to 1

    Well, he did wish for it. He did want all the clones to be happy. But he wasn't actually expecting to somehow land in the past, before the experiment was started. Such misfortune.

  • Darkness of the Matter

    Lets see. Holding the record of encounters with Level 5, despite not wanting to? Check. His friend turning out to be one? Check. One wanting to kill him? Check. Another having a split personality? Che- wait, what the hell?