
  • With you, i'm happy

    I know that there are quite a few of those stories where foxy is friends with a kid and all that, but this is a little different, trust me... also I need help with a cover, if your an artist, P.M. Me (I might not be available sometimes). Why is it that everything goes through shit? 'Cause I feel like i'm the only one who gets talked to like shit. I never knew until this happened.

  • No pokemon's land

    When Jack Barrus mysteriously meets a Zoroark, all things go downhill, ok a little uphill if you count the parts of lemons. but still, the government wants to kill the newfound creatures and tells the public they gave them a "warm welcome" and with that, they first have lemons due to hormones, but actually end up falling in love. Ok, I know it's seen that they fondle eachother.