
  • Amnesia

    Jakes doesn't care what happens to Morse. Really. He doesn't. Not even a little. Takes place after 'Fugue'. Rated for some language, Morse's drinking, and injury.

  • Faulted Clockwork

    Endeavour Morse doesn't listen to 'Madame Butterfly' anymore.

  • In From the Cold

    Three times the Doctor stops by Torchwood. (rated for language, injury, trauma, suicidal thoughts/intentions, and other not-so-good things)

  • Conventions

    Some boundaries are not meant to be crossed. (rated for suicidal themes)

  • Of Monsters and Men

    It's not often that Rory hears the Doctor pray. (rated for some language and some self harm)

  • Perchance of Fashion

    In which the Doctor is distracted, Amy and River come to a justified conclusion, and Rory wields a barber razor.

  • Just One Catch

    In which Yossarian breaks in his new tentmate.

  • Blaring Silence

    Armin will raise hell and summon the dead and slaughter legions of titans, if only to bring Eren back.