Tenshi Aburame

  • Of Balls And Wreaths

    "Cole approached the trio, holding the little girl's hand, seeing a smile opening in Skadi's face; he felt something that was like butterflies flying in a strange way in his stomach, making him confuse. It was something happening more frequently every time the elf smiled to him."

  • Ragnarök

    O Ragnarök chegaria, cedo ou tarde, mas Hell faria tudo que podia e mais para impedir que Loki, seu pai, tivesse sucesso. E assim coube à seus protetores, suas Almas, a reviverem os Guerreiros Deuses e a lutarem quando a hora chegasse. E a hora chegou. (Fichas Fechadas)

  • Not About Angels

    "I came to hold your hand." He felt her hand tighten his, and saw her breath deeply, swallowing the tears. "Even if it will take a long time, I'll be here, at your side. I'll care with you." "Thank you." Her voice came softly, softly, almost a breeze, and then she smiled to him.