

  • Merge With Caution Redux

    What would happen if, instead of Myka pining over her high school crush, H.G. Wells showed up to take her mind off things?

  • 30 Days of Writing

    A drabble a day challenge. These fics will be stand alone one shots based off one word prompts. They will mostly all be centered around Bering and Wells, but all of the characters will probably show up. Ratings will vary.

  • Moving On

    The wonder may be endless, but their lives as agents may not be. Previously entitled Endless.

  • Defining Moment

    Of all the things to appear up there, the artifact had to choose that. Stupid table, she thought. "Yes, that was an important moment in my personal life, but…it was also-" "The moment you realized that couldn't leave the Warehouse," Mrs. Frederic finished for her.

  • Disaster Averted

    In which Pyka happens, but they realize their colossal mistake before it's too late, and Pete encourages Myka to follow her heart.