
  • Whatever Will Be, Will Be

    Hermione Greenway is found in the bushes, just a couple of days old, on the 21st of September, 1959. James/Hermione. Rewrite.

  • At the Mercy of Courage

    Hermione is used to strange things happening to her, like being able to float or being able to scarf down an entire birthday cake on her own. But nothing is stranger than her acceptance letter to Hogwarts, the Wizarding school her scientist dad reluctantly lets her attend, which unveils a series of clues Hermione must use to solve a mystery spanning years into the future.

  • Hermione: A Different Take on Things

    When ten year old Hermione Viennere learns about magic, she is skeptical. Not only has she been recently been orphaned, but her scientist parents wouldn't have believed it, right? Wrong. Along with her two best friends, Lily Evans and Severus Snape, Hermione embarks the Hogwarts Express on a remarkable journey, where she is determined to solve the mysteries of her new home.