Anime Wuver

  • Hogwarts By Voldemort

    What if Voldemort hadn't been killed? What if Voldemort had won the Battle At Hogwarts? Or if there were no battle because Voldemort learned Dumbledore wanted Voldemort to kill Harry? Because Harry was a Horcrux? Not Slash.

  • When In The Dark

    This is going to be one of those stories with Tom mentoring/raising Harry. It is not intended for slash. This story begins with Tom in the diary, Lucius giving the Diary to Ginny, Ginny writing to Tom, and finally with Tom coming out and sees Harry. The rest is history. Please no flaming. I hope you like this story. K for now but if I need to change the rating, I will. I promise.

  • Tom Potter

    Tom Marvolo Riddle is deaged and is adopted by Harry James Potter. Ministry doesnt like it. Ron doesnt like it. Hermione doesnt like it. What will Harry do with Tom if noone supports him with his rehabilitation idea with Tom? Its definitly something that Albus would approve of, or at least that is what Harry tells himself. What will happen with a small Dark Lord and The Chosen One?

  • Harry Riddle

    What would happen if Peter gave the child to Tom and by some miracle he decides to raise Harry instead of killing him? Even if its to get back at Dumbledore. Theres only one problem... He knows nothing about raising a child especially a 1 year old infant. Tom has his work cut out for him with his Death Eaters, Harry, Nagini, and being a Dark Lord all at the same time. Can he do it?

  • First Year At Hogwarts

    This is my take on Riddle's First Year. I tried to keep things fair and even but also with his charm and intelligence. Please don't flame me if you don't like it because no one is forcing you to read. This is the happenings of his First Year, I'll do his Second and so on years too.

  • Innocence

    This is a one shot, unless you guys want more. I wanted to write something between Harry and Tom that wasn't dark. This is meant to be kind of fluffy and I only intend to write one chapter but if you guys want more of this type of thing I'll write more on this story with my Harry Riddle and Tom Potter. And if you do tell me if you like the direction this is going.