
  • He'd Want To Stay Away

    Hermione's been left behind, and she's finding it even harder to cope. Just a little oneshot I had in my head - R&R

  • Childish Jealousy

    Hermione's been looking after a de-aged Harry, but is tired of having to fight off the many admirers of his other-worldly cuteness... Read and Review :)

  • Urban Warfare

    Just a little something I cooked up after playing some video games - Hermione is stuck in a 'post-apocalyptic'-type situation where Voldemort won, and she's been on the hunt for the missing saviour Harry Potter. Will she live long enough to see him again? Can she survive in a torn-up London where no corner is safe to turn? R&R;

  • Second Lives

    Looking back, Hermione could see the hilarity of their story; time-travel, prophecy, the whole malarky with magic - but it was real, and it was an absolute bitch. Follow Hermione, Harry, Neville and many more on an adventure that hardly ends with Voldemort: life. R&R; - the story's better than the summary. Rated M for later scenes -soz 4 the poor formatting - i'm trying to fix it :)

  • Throwing Their Picture

    Oneshot where Harry and Hermione struggle to communicate and heal when their first pregnancy is cut short. Read and Review pls I'm begging you :'(

  • This Talk

    Hermione discovers something about Harry that she wishes she'd picked up sooner… R&R

  • Fragile

    After the war, everyone forgot Harry. This is Hermione's story of looking after him, and their journey to a more healthy mentality. Disclaimer: I don't own HP.

  • Remembering

    ON HIATUS Kari's at the height of her good fortune, but when she returns years after leaving, she finds that things haven't quite worked out back at home. TK's been facing demons, and slowly begins to lose the will to fight on… A little Davis bashing, not too much Takari, Unfinished. Disclaimer: I don't own digimon

  • Not Listening, Just Hallucinating

    TK takes a few too many pills, and decides that he's fed up with how everyone's treating him… Disclaimer: I don't own digimon