Spirits Among Stars

  • Dispatch to Hell

    Something saves Alex from a horde of demons and Castiel is called to help the Winchesters find out who did it. But when they meet the person who did the deed things go array when Alex is kidnapped and shocking things are revealed about the horde that attacked her. However is everything as simple as it seems? Sequel to Secrets in Falls City.

  • The Start of The Rest of Your Life

    The Enterprise gains five new crewmen. One will stay on Enterprise for her entire commission and serve in Starfleet until the very end.

  • The First of Many

    Two weeks into the build of the Aquila, Achilles receives a bird from an apparent acquaintance requesting help with an assassination and to send someone he trusts to aid with the job. Achilles sends Connor to Boston to assist. Once in Boston both Connor and the Assassin soon realise that it won't be easy and just when they think they have the upper hand, the target disappears.

  • Gabriella Ackerly: Origins

    S.H.I.E.L.D. discover a strange object in Death Valley. Fury plans to harness the object's energy for weapons against threats to the Earth and enlists the help of one of the scientists within S.H.I.E.L.D. to study it to see if it's possible. With disastrous results.

  • So Friends?

    After the aftermath of unknowingly leading the Templars to Tulum, and the assassination of Laurens Prins, the pirate captain rested in The Kingston Crown for a drink. He spots a not so friend and tries to make amends. With an interesting result. T for language. Two Parter.

  • Stowaway and Secrets

    Captain Edward Kenway and Adéwalé find a stowaway on board the Jackdaw. Though not everything is what it seems. Rated T because of language.

  • A Deal's a Deal

    A Frengi is cheated. A Cardassian makes a new friend.

  • Introductions

    With the help of Jo, Sam, Dean and Alex infiltrate Crowley's mansion but unbeknownst to them he knows they are after him because he has the colt. But Crowley is not the only demon in the mansion; Crowley's right-hand demon is in the wings. Takes place during Abandon All Hope.

  • Secrets In Falls City

    The Winchester brothers find coordinates in John's journal and detailed information on a failed case. They decide to investigate. The coordinates lead them to Falls City, Nebraska where they meet another Hunter who's been trying to solve it for years. But during the case they find that not everything is what it seems.

  • Tackling the Unknown

    The U.S.S Cochrane is charged with taking the science officers to Deep Space Nine. On the journey lifelong friends are formed and homes are made.