Anonymous Wandmaker

  • A Song Of Sand And Snow

    Robert's rebellion never happens. Rhaegar never kidnapped Lyarra & Lyarra Snow is the bastard of Ned & Ashara. Things are good. But like regression to the mean, nothing usually lasts long, and the realm begins to face dangers from both the human side and the inhuman side. Lyarra Snow has a purpose to fulfill, same as Aegon Targaryen. Hopefully time doesn't run out on them.

  • The Heretic (II)

    Heretic is out of prison, building her way up in the world, while straying the line between hero and villain. In the Wizarding World, the Potters soon realize their daughter has been missing and with the threat of Voldemort, they worry that she just might not be safe out in the muggle world. But as they trace Leilani's footsteps, they begin to wonder... just what has she become?

  • Swan Sister

    Let's take a look at Gabriella Charlize Swan's life, keeping up with friendships, doing her own thing, becoming an imprint, keeping from the creepy Cullen guy and sibling rivalry. This Swan is all about friends and family! **Shifter Centric!**

  • Superman The Avenger

    What if Superman existed in the MC Universe? Let's follow Clark Kent as he's suddenly pulled into the hero lifestyle in which his adopted estranged brother is already deep into. Clark Kent, the gentle Kryptonian Journalist is in for a ride!

  • I Put A Spell On You--Because You're Mine

    Bella Swan graduated highschool with a heavy heart, after being left behind by Edward and her best friend practically forgetting her. But college was a new start, moving forward with Angela Weber as a dear friend. And now as the end of her college years come closer, her run-in with Christian Grey which comes as a surprise to them both just might be what she needs... Or is it...?

  • The Scarlet Witch of Mystic Falls

    What happens when a Scarlet witch is born in the universe of The Vampire Diaries. Take a look into the life of Cherith Gilbert, Cousin/adopted sister of Elena and Jeremy as she slowly discovers the awakening of her dangerous Nexus power. Will she be Good? Bad? Neutral? Things are bound to be interesting. [MARVEL'S SCARLET WITCH WITH CHANGES]

  • Mother Of Dragons: Ancalagon The Black

    Daenerys births 3 dragons with fire & blood. Aegon, son of Elia fights for his birthright with fire & blood. The Targaryen dynasty was quenched decades back. But Daenerys is not about to let anyone walk over her... Not when she has dragons on her side. Not when she's birthed Ancalagon The Black death, from Middle Earth into Planetos. **FIRST ONE SHOT OF MANY**

  • Lovecraftian Error

    Deep in the Department of Mysteries, an experiment goes wrong and because of this, monsters gain a foothold past the barriers that separate the human world from the other realm and they begin to wreck havoc subtly. In Hogwarts, two unassuming girls, Sally Anne & Luna start to realize something is wrong, & because of how it affects them, try to find a way to right things.

  • Ginny's Love

    Harry breaks up with Ginny in their 7th year months after the Voldemort debacle. she doesn't take it well. What's the next thing on her mind? REVENGE. Thankfully she has a drop dead gorgeous Slytherin to help her with that. Falling for him just wasn't part of the game. Luna Lovegood though sees it as the perfect opportunity to snatch his cousin for herself. Draco Malfoy.

  • Little Red And The Wizarding World

    It's 1992 & our young half-blood finds out she's a witch! Let's follow her as she develops a love for runic magics. But! There's a chamber of secrets, people getting petrified, that crazy ginger with a diary & look! there's Harry Potter! If this is just her first year, however would the other years be? What's a group of inquisitive students to do? Golden Trio, meet Mystery Quartet!

  • Little Red

    It's 1992 & Edelweiss Greene suddenly realizes her mum has kept a huge secret from her. Let's follow her on her journey to the majestic school of Hogwarts where not a while later, a monster roams it's halls. But Edelweiss and her new friends journey doesn't totally focus on that after all... And what's wrong with Ginny Weasley anyways...

  • My Blonde Brother

    Xenophilius Lovegood had always been fascinated with how similar he and Lucius Malfoy looked alike. Maybe they were related!

  • The Rise of The Ancient and Most Noble House of Peverell

    To the outside world, Harrison Parker is just a simple orphanage boy, who goes to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, but to those who know him, he is the supposed squib son of the potters. #WrongBoyWhoLived #DumbledoreChoseNeville