Chelsea Oz

  • Dreams

    Janet and Jack both have dreams that will lead them in the right direction: to each other. In progress.

  • Black Balloon

    One shot. Takes place right after Jack Goes The Distance. Janet deals with a black eye and feelings. She's not alone.

  • Birth, Death, Love and Babies

    A multi-chapter on the stories of the Malone babies. This picks up where "Diane Came Home" left off and where the story of "You're Still The One" originates. Each chapter will be centered around the birth of a baby and a few special chapters that will go further into detail on the death of Maria. I hope you will enjoy! It's complete! Lyrics no longer available, more insight.

  • Skinny Dipping in Maine

    Takes place in between season one and two. Diane and Sam take a summer vacation to Maine and end up having a romantic, spiritual time despite Diane's dark, eerie feelings about the locale.

  • Over the Rainbow and Gone with the Wind

    Takes place after the disasterous press conference in Strange Bedfellows Part 3. This is all told through Diane's inner monolouge. In her manic depressive state of mind, she will draw parrallels in her life to Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind, hence the title. One shot

  • The Christmas Butterfly

    Carol's visit to Mike's grave at Christmastime gives her a reminder to be thankful for small miracles. One shot.

  • Birth, Betrayal and Blood

    It started out as a simple blood donation for Jan Brady. Little did she know that she would get the biggest shock of her life but also make Mike open up about a big secret that could rock his boys' world, too. In progress!

  • All Of Me

    My first Walton's fanfic! This is a short one-shot about John's love for his wife, Olivia. Hope you enjoy.

  • How Do I?

    The night after Olivia had given up baby Jennifer. The pain of Jim-Bob's stillborn twin and her miscarriage a few years are still with her and Jennifer's just another heartache. John, as always, is there to comfort her. One shot.

  • Bride's Brother

    I wrote this for a guest request and I hope I don't disappoint! Cindy's getting married and Greg's walking her down the aisle after Mike dies. A special trip to Mike's grave before the ceremony helps Greg realize how much he loves his sister.

  • What Happened in Hawaii

    We all know of their tumultuous trip to Hawaii. In this AU, you learn of something devastating that happened to Carol. This takes place after they come home

  • Sweet Nothing

    Frasier/Lilith piece with an honorable mention of Diane Chambers. A nasty dispute between the couple on the eve of Valentine's Day makes Lilith turn to her journal to sort out her feelings about her crumbling marriage. Chapter 2 is up. It's Frasier's journal confession to how he feels and reacts to that horrible night in '92. Now it is complete.

  • Superstition

    Takes place right after Fortune and Men's Weight. What if Sam did get an answer in the form of a question?

  • In My Father's Eyes

    After Marcia's embarrassing drunk in public appearance, she admits to feeling lost and turning to alcohol. Wally and Carol didn't really get through to her the way she hoped, but maybe her father could help her find her way again? One shot.

  • Lose Yourself

    An Au set during Independence Day of 1975 and a lonely Diane Chambers walks through Boston's bustling city streets to forget about her life for a while. Unbeknownst to her, she will see Sam Malone for the first time. Chapter 2 is up and it's from Sam's POV. Now it can be complete!

  • The Lord Is My Shepard

    Diane comes back to Boston to live in the convent. Set in between seasons 3 and 4. See how the Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary and Glory Be calm and unravel her all at once.

  • Goodnight, Darkness

    Inspired by the happenings in "The Legend", I wrote this in mind of the neuroses that men expierience after fighting in the war. John wants to tell John-Boy of what it was really like for him in the war but he can't do it. Through Olivia, John realizes that it really is okay for the past to stay in the past.

  • Comfortably Numb

    The morning after the ill-fated wedding. Is Sam ready to deal with Diane not being around anymore?

  • Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

    A snowy getaway set in season 2 has Diane and Sam indulge in both childish and adult fun! One shot. Hope you enjoy!

  • Where I Will Always Love You

    It's Maria sixth birthday and Diane is taking it hard. She tried to be strong but a nap after an emotional outburst makes Maria come back to her in a dream. Have tissues at the ready!