

  • The fall and rise of Princess Emeralda Morgoth

    a fallen princess awakes bruised to find everything and everyone gone salvation comes in the form of a handsome blonde stranger..whose motives are morally questionable

  • Remember how I broke your heart

    Nervous Liberian Eponine gets tangled up in the world of troubled rich boy Enjolras when he stumbles into her little book shop one rainy afternoon...

  • A heart full of love

    A recently jobless Eponine is offered a job at a large Co-operation everything would be great if her boss Enjolras Hugo wasn't such a cold bastard...to make matters worse childhood 'friend' Marius turns up...and Cosette's also there.

  • Luna

    Sky a modern girl with unknown mystical powers gets transported back to a strange land full of supernatural beings meeting Francis Reisenfeld vampire royalty, a cunning prince hellbent on world domination and his planning to use Sky to do it...

  • He loves me, he loves me not

    After disappearing for 7 years Éponine is reunited with her first love and best friend Marius with Cosette in tow but it's Enjorlas whose determined to make Éponine his...