Wolf From The South293

  • Project:Ghost

    A virus in 1943 was released by Nazi Germans during world war 2 but its detained but it soon makes a return by a enemy gang in 2035 and its up humphrey "ghost" and katey "kate" to stop it

  • Alpha and Omega: Quadruble The Adventure

    Kate & Humphrey are on a new adventure with new friends to get back home to jasper park after being captured by hunters once again but this time this adventure is going to be a little different

  • New Age Of Zombies

    this fanfic involves gang violence of course zombies and science experiments which will come later in the fanfic but I hope you will enjoy even though it doesn't follow the left4dead

  • Alpha and Omega: Three Times The Adventures

    Kate and humphrey meet a new wolf in jasper park but we all have to go on a crazy adventure to save alll three of kate and humphreys pups