Mione Weasley

  • Good Things Come In Small Packages

    Sequel to 'Things Aren't Always What They Seem'. Harry continues to live his life, but now that Voldemort is gone what will happen next? Better Summary inside. RHer and HG. Post Hogwarts. CHAPTER 5 FINALLY UP!

  • Things Aren't Always What They Seem

    Harry is in his 7th year and things are getting weirder. Voldemort is out to get him as usual and Ron and Hermione are starting to notice their feelings. Much better than it sounds PLEASE READ! Harry's POV. RH and some HG. IMPORTANT AN is finally up!

  • Ed Crossover

    This is a RHer crossover for the Season Finale of "Ed" It's really good. So please read!

  • Life Counts

    Ron and Hermione have a fight and Ron wishes he had never been born, but what happens? Sort of a crossover to It's A Wonderful Life. R/Hr.

  • A Bowl of CinnaCluster Raisin Bran

    Hermione finally tells someone how she feels about Ron, but who does she tell? *Complete*