Golden Cloud Angel-Dark Storm

  • Star Wars: The Missing Link

    After the death of Palpatine, A young Jedi who does not yet know his powers is discovered and both the Light Side and Dark Side attempt to locate him to convince him to join their side. The ghost of Luke Skywalker reluctantly takes on the task of becoming his teacher. (Animated version now available on YouTube!)

  • Wolf Epic

    The epic of a wolf chosen by the goddesses to become the hero of Hyrule... No... Of the entire world! (I'm editing this, the whole story so far is still there, I just haven't renamed the chapters yet!)

  • Secret Surprises at Sunrise

    A young boy named Link gets accepted into a knight academy and finds out that his uncle has been hiding a secret from him.

  • Princess Zelda Diaries 4: End of the Line

    The last Princess Zelda diary of TP. In this story we see whether or not Zelda and Link achieve their goals.

  • The Legend of Zelda: Wild of The Breath

    Link has awoken from his 100 year bathtub nap. After meeting Santa, he is tasked with saving the land that once was Hyrule. Along the way, he is followed by 4 children who seek to keep him on task, but will it work? Inspired by: RITCgaming on Twitch

  • Buddies

    A crazy story where no one gets along. (No, there isn't a new chapter yet, I just decided to split chapter one into two parts so now there are three parts instead of two)

  • The Star-Bellied Pikachu

    After a lab accident, a young woman finds herself stuck as a Pikachu and very far from home! Will her life ever return to normal or will it continue to spiral downhill? (Want to hear the story? You can find my story on YouTube!)

  • Maple And Universe

    Prequel to The Star Bellied Pikachu, this is the origin story of how Maple Pikachu met Universe the Vulpix.

  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to Zelda

    "Zelda is your..." "Zelda is my what!"

  • Super Zelda One Shots Collection!

    All of my Zelda one shots in one book. (I've got more content to add now!)

  • Lillian of Team Rocket

    Lillian is a young Japanese girl living in Kanto with her Hylian sister Timber. At the age of ten, Lillian ends up getting a shiny Charmander as her starter and then she joins Team Rocket. Will this mere child bring as much destruction as she says she will?

  • We Are Team Rocket

    A 17 year old named Clarinda looses her partner due to an attack by an angry Glaceon. Later, the boss of Team Rocket asks her to go back and capture it for him. Clarinda joins Jessie and James on a quest to capture the vicious Pokémon.

  • Lillian the murderer

    My dark side is a murderer and she kills the famous hero!

  • Edge of Destruction

    Brothers Link and Dark live with their grandmother on a corn farm. Dark is deceived by Ganon and is used to start the destruction of all of Hyrule. Link and Ash must work together to save Hyrule.

  • Golden Wolf Girl

    "My doctor said I was normal, if you call having a wolf tail normal, then I guess I am." Link x OC. :3 My first pairing!

  • Three Wolves and a Snickers Bar

    Wolf Link and Timber feed Dark Timber a Snickers bar.

  • To Save A Rival

    Gary and Ash go swimming at the beach and Gary is attacked by a Gyarados. (Yaoi)

  • Legend of the Goddesses' Golden Fire

    A short story I wrote for Social Studies class about my OCs and Hylia.

  • Moon Fall

    A girl by the name of Chloe, a Hylian in Termina, lives in Clock Town when suddenly a moon destroys her life. (Thanks to coauthor Prometheus16)

  • Introducing: Timber Gold Wolf & Lillian Defiant Smith

    This is the summary so far of one of the greatest book series I will ever write. I am using Link/ referencing him in most of my stories, therefore, the majority of them will be posted on FF rather than FP.